SimpleNet: Our experience counts in the web hosting industry.

Technical Details & Policies

Technical Details & Policies
Our experience in the hosting industry has allowed us to create an extremely reliable and flexible hosting architecture. The extension of this architecture to our reseller program is a wonderful opportunity for you to create a successful hosting operation without the hassle of maintaining the infrastructure; the data center and hosting platform. Along with a more specific outline of anonymity below, you will also find a list of account features and our program policies.

Reseller policies

Reseller Anonymity
SimpleNet goes to great lengths to ensure that we remain anonymous to your clientele. It is our goal to help you establish your brand as a high quality service provider without anyone being able to trace your backend to us. In fact, our program maximizes your anonymity by providing reseller-specific IPs for several web hosting functions.

  • Control Panel IP: Create a control panel login URL that is specific to your business, such as, and we provide an IP address that is unique to that address.
  • Customer Account IPs: Your accounts will be placed on an IP set that is separate from SimpleNet's own shared hosting customers.
  • MX and Mail Server IPs: Your reseller account will get unique IPs for your MX and Mail Servers. A URL will also be created, such as, for your users to access their accounts.
  • DNS Server IPs: A unique IP will be used for your DNS servers. Temporary URLs for customers to work on the web presence while waiting for domain name registration or transfer will be provided under your company brand name.
  • Other IPs: Unique SSL and FTP IPs will also be provided to assist in SimpleNet's anonymous provision of service.

Within your reseller control panel, you will find a section of IPs and URLs that control the aspects listed above, and more. Certain IPs aren't easily hidden, so SimpleNet has created generic domain names that relate to those IPs. In cases where a generic domain name is not a proper solution, then we've placed a domain protect on the whois information for that domain/IP.

Reseller Private Label & Anonymity
• Private Label Order Form
• Private Label Billing and Confirmation
• Reseller-specific Control Panel IP

• Reseller-specific Customer IPs
• Reseller-specific MX Server IPs
• Reseller-specific DNS Server IPs
• Reseller-specific Email Server IPs
Become a SimpleNet Private Label Reseller today! Sign up now.

Reseller Policies

Technical Support
SimpleNet will provide technical support to the Reseller. The Reseller must provide its Reseller Customers with any needed billing, sales and general information support needed. The Reseller may not direct its Reseller Customers to contact SimpleNet directly. The Reseller may not provide its Reseller Customers with applicable account details that may permit them to contact SimpleNet directly. SimpleNet may bill the Reseller for support provided to a Reseller's Customers if the Reseller has violated this provision.

Product Labeling
The Reseller must provide all products and services with its own name and logo. The Reseller may not "co-brand" the products or services, nor communicate in any way to its Reseller Customers or any other person that the products or services are being provided by SimpleNet.

Business Conduct
The Reseller must conduct and maintain its business with a high level of integrity, fair dealing and customer service.

Terms of Service
The Reseller must abide by the provisions of SimpleNet's Terms of Service found at as they may be modified from time to time. The Reseller should impose conditions of service on its Reseller Customers that are at least as stringent as those imposed by SimpleNet. Without limiting the foregoing, the Reseller must cause its Reseller Customers to comply with SimpleNet's Terms of Service as the same may be modified from time to time. If any Reseller Customer violates the SimpleNet Terms of Service, SimpleNet may terminate or suspend the hosting services for such Reseller Customer. Reseller will be wholly responsible for any communication that may be necessary or appropriate with respect to such Reseller Customer. The Reseller is required to ensure that Resellers Customers agree to comply with the standard agreement for each product or service they purchase from the Reseller.

Contact Information
The Reseller must keep SimpleNet informed of changes in the Reseller's contact information and other information contained in the Program Application by either (a) providing email/phone notification of such changes, or (b) using such other online notification tools as SimpleNet may provide for such purpose.

The Reseller is responsible for payment of all services purchased by its Customers at time of purchase. The Reseller must provide a compatible merchant account to SimpleNet in order to process credit card transactions. SimpleNet, at its discretion, may elect to cumulatively bill Reseller for these services. The Reseller must provide SimpleNet with current billing information and notify SimpleNet immediately if that information has changed. The Reseller is required to keep its account current. If the Reseller does not keep its account current, SimpleNet may refuse or suspend services to the Reseller and its Customers. This may include services already paid for by the Reseller.

Fraudulent Transactions
The Reseller agrees to hold SimpleNet harmless and to indemnify SimpleNet for and against transactions processed by SimpleNet on behalf of Reseller that are fraudulent in nature. These fraudulent transactions could result from, but are not limited to, misrepresentations in the domain registration or transfer process, or from the use of stolen or misappropriated credit cards.

Refund Policy
Reseller and Reseller's customers are not entitled to any refunds of Service transactions.

The Reseller and its Customers agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy of SimpleNet, Inc., located at The Reseller must post a Reseller branded version of this Privacy Policy on the Reseller's home page. Failure to comply with such Privacy Policy will be deemed a material breach of this Agreement.

SimpleNet may modify the content, terms and conditions of the Reseller Program from time to time. The Reseller should revisit the SimpleNet web site periodically to stay abreast of such changes. Any change to the Program will be effective immediately when posted to SimpleNet's web site. When feasible, SimpleNet will endeavor to provide the Reseller with advance notice of changes to the Program.

The Reseller may not assign its rights or duties under this Agreement to another individual or entity without the expressed written consent of SimpleNet, Inc., which will not be unreasonably withheld. SimpleNet, Inc. may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement without notice, as long as the Service continues to operate as outlined in this Agreement.

Either party may terminate this Agreement for a material breach of contract by the other party that has not been cured within 10 days. Either party must notify the other of such material breach in writing. Or, either party may terminate this Agreement with 30 days written notice. Upon termination, all Customers will default to SimpleNet.

The terms of this Agreement are severable. If any part of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable or invalid, that part of the Agreement will be interpreted in accordance with the applicable law as closely as possible in line with the original intention of both parties of the Agreement. The remaining terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

The Reseller agrees to waive the right to trial by jury in any proceeding that takes place relating to or arising out of this Agreement.

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and contract between the parties and supersedes any an all prior and contemporaneous, oral, or written representations, communication, understandings, and agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein.

Nothing in this Agreement, expressed or implied, shall be deemed to confer any rights or remedies upon, nor obligate any of the parities hereto, to any person or entity other than such parties, unless so stated to the contrary.

Each of the parties, to this Agreement represents and warrants that it has full power to enter into this Agreement and has not assigned, encumbered, or in any manner transferred all or any portion of the claims covered by this Agreement.

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