SimpleNet the Solution for Custom Web Hosting Packages

Custom Web Hosting Packages

Our reseller program is one of the most versatile on the market. It allows you to build your own packages from an a la carte menu of hosting components. You determine the quantity of email accounts, disk space, and other components that you'd like to include in packages that make the most sense for your customers.

Our reseller interface will allow you to select services and features that will assist you in determining your wholesale cost for a package. The minimum wholesale price for a custom package is $5/month. The reseller control panel also allows you to manage the look and feel of your customer interface, including the brand, colors, templates, and outgoing emails.

To view the specific package variables, please login to the demonstration account
Reseller Package 1
Disk Space (MB)
Monthly Transfer (GB)
Email Accounts
Email Disk (MB per account)
Database Disk (MB per account)
Dedicated IP
Shared/Private SSL
Domain Name (per year)
Monthly Wholesale Price
Reseller Package 2
Disk Space (MB)
Monthly Transfer (GB)
Email Accounts
Email Disk (MB per account)
Database Disk (MB per account)
Dedicated IP
Shared/Private SSL
Domain Name (per year)
Monthly Wholesale Price
All Accounts Include:
• Microsoft FrontPage® Extensions
• MIVA, PHP, Perl Scripting
• CGI Scripting
• Server Side Includes (SSI)
• Customer Error Pages
• Password Protected Directories
• Web-based and POP Email
• Anyone@ "Catch-all" Email Address
• Email aliases, Forwards, Auto-responders
• Spam Filtering
• Virus Protection
• Support Ticket System
• Site Transfer Tool
• Virtual FTP Server
• Load-balanced and Redundant Architecture
• Multiple Bandwidth Providers
• Web Site Firewall Protection
• Optimized Traffic Routing
• Subdomains
• Raw Logs
• Referrer Logs
• Error Logs
• Webalizer Statistics
• Custom Billing Capability
• Custom Control Panel Interface
• Custom Outgoing Email Templates
• Referral Program

Reseller Private Label & Anonymity
• Private Label Order Form
• Private Label Billing and Confirmation
• Reseller-specific Control Panel IP
• Reseller-specific Customer IPs
• Reseller-specific MX Server IPs
• Reseller-specific DNS Server IPs
• Reseller-specific Email Server IPs
Become a SimpleNet Private Label Reseller today! Sign up now.
Feature Descriptions

Disk Space MB

A web site consists of text, graphics, sound, or video files that occupy space on our web servers. You can purchase additional disk space as needed.

Monthly Transfer GB (Bandwidth)

Whenever a person visits your site, information is sent from our servers (your web site) to your visitor's computer. This information can be web pages, images, movies, sound files, programs, compressed files, or anything else on your site that can be viewed or downloaded by visitors. The movement of this information in total is your data transfer. The more visitors you have, the higher data transfer limit you'll need. You can purchase additional transfer as needed.

Microsoft FrontPage® Extensions

Microsoft FrontPage®, is a software program for creating and managing web pages. You can work exclusively in the familiar Microsoft Office® interface without having to program, or take direct control of your HTML code. FrontPage 2002 supports collaborative web authoring and more. Offered with all packages.


SiteBuilder is a browser-based application for creating and editing your web site. Its simple 5-step wizard interface provides an effortless way for you to create, modify and update your own web site without any knowledge of FTP, HTML or any other technical process. If you know how to browse the Web, then you can build your own professional web site with SiteBuilder! Try SiteBuilder now!

MIVA Scripting

MIVA Script programs are HTML documents that also contain tags (commands) from the MIVA Script programming language. MIVA Script is a server-side scripting language that is processed at the server level rather than by the browser. MIVA Script programs can are called scripts, active documents, or simply documents. MIVA Script tags correspond to typical programming language constructs such as assignment statements, conditional expressions, loops, and input/output statements, as well as MIVA Script's special database, mail, and commerce functionality. SimpleNet supports both the uncompiled (.mv) and compiled (.mvc) versions of MIVA.

MIVA Merchant 5.0 Shopping Cart

MIVA Merchant is a dynamic, browser-based storefront development and management system. It has a complete set of wizards to simplify the process of building your store, while the administration interface provides access to an array of tools to maintain your product catalog and order fulfillment. In order to offer MIVA Merchant with reseller packages, the reseller must create a partnership with MIVA.

PHP Scripting

PHP is a widely-used, general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. PHP allows you to do many of the same functions as C and PERL - connecting to a database, reading and writing files, etc. Using PHP scripting to read and write to your MySQL database gives you ultimate control of your site.

CGI Scripting

The common gateway interface (CGI) is a standard way for a Web server to pass a Web user's request to an application program and to receive data back to forward to the user. When the user requests a Web page (for example, by clicking on a highlighted word or entering a Web site address), the server sends back the requested page. However, when a user fills out a form on a Web page and sends it in, it usually needs to be processed by an application program. The Web server typically passes the form information to a small application program that processes the data and may send back a confirmation message. This method or convention for passing data back and forth between the server and the application is called the common gateway interface (CGI).

Server Side Includes

SSI is a type of HTML comment that directs our web servers to dynamically generate data for your web page whenever it is requested. This is especially useful for ensuring that boilerplate components, such as headers and footers, are the same on all pages throughout your web site. To change a boilerplate element, you need only modify the include file, instead of updating every individual Web page.

Custom Error Pages

Create customized error pages on your web site to help visitors reach their intended destination. A "404 not found" page is displayed when a visitor tries to view a page that you've deleted or moved.

Password Protected Directories

Password protection allows you to control who can view your site or various areas within it. For instance, if you create a special area for photos or other information, you can protect that area with a password and give that password only to those who are allowed access.

Email Account

Email (electronic mail) is the exchange of messages via the web. Email is one of the most basic and popular uses of the Internet. SimpleNet email accounts may be checked through the web or you may use an email client such as Outlook or Eudora, to name a few. You can create multiple email accounts for yourself, friends, family members and associates with your own domain name, such as,, and All email accounts include Aliases, Forwards and Auto-responders (see below).

Email Forward

Email forwarding enables you to have email messages redirected to a specific email account. For example, you can set up the email account to forward all messages to your account or to another account not at These forwards can be added or deleted at any time.

Email Alias

Email Aliases allow you to create email addresses that act as pseudonyms for your actual email account. For example, you can have, and all alias to These aliases can be added or deleted at any time.

Anyone@ "Catch-all" Address

Allows you to collect mis-addressed messages (e.g., and have them delivered to a specific email account like

Email Auto-responder

All your email accounts can be set to automatically respond to incoming messages. This is a good feature to use if you're on vacation, if you don't check your mail frequently, or if you would like to create an automated response to frequently asked questions, such as pricing or hours of operation.

Email Spam Filter

Allows you to trace, filter out and delete spam messages coming to your mailbox. The spam check level has five settings that you can alter, from very aggressive to permissive, based on how restrictive you prefer your incoming mail to be filtered. There is also a white list, which specifies email from acceptable email addresses, and a black list, which rejects email from specified addresses.

Mailbox Disk Space (per mailbox)

When you receive email, the messages occupy disk space on our servers. The more email you get, the more disk space you need. Each email account includes 50 MB of disk space. You can purchase additional email disk space as needed.


osCommerce is an online shop e-commerce solution under ongoing development by the open source community. Its feature-packed installation allows store owners to setup, run, and maintain their online stores with minimum effort and no license fees. osCommerce combines open source solutions to provide a free and open e-commerce platform, which includes the powerful PHP web scripting language and the fast MySQL database server. Offered with S-150, S-300 and Commerce packages.

Secure Server (SSL)

SSL is an accepted standard for transferring information securely across the Internet. It encrypts data passed between the server and the browser, so that unauthorized parties cannot interpret sensitive, confidential or personal information, such as a phone number, address or credit card. The type of SSL that you use depends on the secure address that you'd like your customers to see. With Shared SSL, your secure address will be, Private SSL will change your secure address to, The Secure Certificate is initially $189 and can be renewed each year for $149. To obtain a Secure Server Certificate for Private SSL, please contact customer support.

Dedicated IP Address

A Dedicated IP Address is a number that is assigned to your web site account. With the growth of the Internet, it is no longer possible for every server and web site to have its own IP Address. To address this issue, many Internet Presence Providers assign IP Address pools to shared web servers so that they may deal with incoming and outgoing traffic for several web sites. A Dedicated IP Address is necessary for accounts that wish to use a Private Secure Server (SSL).

Domain Name

Domain names are the means by which things are located on the web, much like your home address says where you live. Having an easy-to-remember domain name makes it much simpler for you to promote your site such that friends, family and associates remember its location.


A subdomain, also known as a third level domain, is a great way to create memorable web addresses for various areas of your site. For instance, you can create and have that address redirect to the directory of your web site.

Raw Logs

Raw access logs record data about who visits your site. The logs include volumes of information that you can manage and analyze.

Referrer Logs

Referrer logs are an additional log component of that indicate what pages or web site a user was on before they came to a page on your site.

Error Logs

Error logs are an additional log component that indicate page requests that resulted in an error such as 404 - File Not Found.


Webalizer is a fast web server log file analysis program. It produces highly detailed, easily configurable usage reports in HTML format, for viewing with a standard web browser.

MySQL Database

MySQL is an open source relational database management system that uses Structured Query Language (SQL), which is the most popular language for adding, accessing, and processing data in a database. MySQL is noted mainly for its speed, reliability, and flexibility.

MySQL Users

The number of individual users you can create that will have administrative access to your MySQL databases.

MySQL Database Disk Space

When you populate your database, the information occupies disk space on our servers. The larger your database, the more disk space you need. You can purchase additional disk space as needed.

Virtual FTP Server

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a convenient, easy way to send multiple or large files across the Internet. It is a very useful tool for building and editing your web site.
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