Web Hosting packages that offer you everything you need to get your Web site up and running.
Enjoy exceptional value, 99.9% uptime and 24/7 dedicated customer support.

Dedicated Server Packages: Feature Descriptions

Feature Descriptions

Random Access Memory (RAM)

RAM is the place in a computer where the operating system, applications, and data in current use are kept so that the computer's processor can quickly reach them.

Disk Space (MB)

A server consists of text, graphics, sound, video files, or applications that occupy space. Each server comes with a specified amount of disk space. You can purchase additional memory up to the maximum space allowed by your server.

Monthly Transfer or Bandwidth (GB)

Whenever a person visits your servers, information is sent from them to your visitor's computer. This information can be web pages, images, movies, sound files, programs, compressed files, or anything else on your server that can be viewed or downloaded by visitors. The movement of this information in total is your data transfer. The more visitors you have, the higher data transfer limit you'll need. You can purchase additional transfer as needed.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The CPU, or processor, is the central unit in a computer containing the logic circuitry that performs the instructions of a computer's programs. SimpleNet's Servers contain processors made by AMD. Offered with all packages.

Secure Server (SSL)

SSL is an accepted standard for transferring information securely across the Internet. It encrypts data passed between the server and the browser, so that unauthorized parties cannot interpret sensitive, confidential or personal information, such as a phone number, address or credit card. Functionality for SSL is included with all servers. Actual secure server certificate must be purchased separately for $189 and can be renewed each year for $149.To obtain a secure server certificate, please contact customer support.

Linux Operating System (OS)

Linux is a variation of the Unix OS that was designed to provide users a free, or very low-cost, and comparable operating system. Linux, as an open source OS, is an extremely efficient and fast-performing operating system. Offered with all packages.

Apache Web Server Software

Apache is the most widely used server software in the world. It is the software part of the hardware/software combination that serves requested web pages, files or other information. Offered with all packages.

File Transfer Protocol Server (FTP)

FTP is a convenient, easy way to send multiple or large files across the Internet. It is a very useful tool for building and editing your web site. Offered with all packages.

SendMail Email Server Software

SendMail is a popular version of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) email server software. It controls the transferring of email. Offered with all packages.

Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)

POP3 is a standard protocol for accessing email. It is a protocol in which email is received and held by your server, then downloaded when you check your email. Offered with all packages.

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

IMAP is a standard protocol for accessing email. It is a protocol in which email is received and held by your server. Once at the server, then you can view the heading and the sender of the letter, then decide whether to download the message. IMAP is like a remote file server and requires continual access to the server during the time that you are working with your email. Offered with all packages.

Majordomo List Server

Majordomo is a program that automatically redistributes email to names on a mailing list. It also manages the subscribe and unsubscribe functions. Offered with all packages.

Name-based Virtual Hosting

Virtual hosting is the provision of a server such that you can allow other sites to be hosted on your server without them needing their own server, also known as web hosting. Name-based hosting does not require an IP Address to be assigned to each web site on your server. Offered with all packages.

Web-based Administration

Each server comes with an easy-to-use administrative interface that allows for server management, multiple web site management and ease of setup, plus the ability to setup user accounts. Offered with all packages.

Microsoft FrontPage® Extensions

Microsoft® FrontPage®, is a software program for creating and managing web pages. You can work exclusively in the familiar Microsoft Office® interface without having to program, or take direct control of your HTML code. FrontPage 2002 supports collaborative web authoring and more. Offered with all packages.

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) Scripting

PHP is a widely-used, general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. PHP allows you to do many of the same functions as C and PERL – connecting to a database, reading and writing files, etc. Using PHP scripting to read and write to your database gives you ultimate control of your site. Offered with all packages.

MySQL (Structured Query Language) Database

MySQL is an open source relational database management system that uses Structured Query Language (SQL), which is the most popular language for adding, accessing, and processing data in a database. MySQL is known for its speed, reliability, and flexibility. Offered with all packages.

Chili!Soft ASP (Active Server Page)

ChiliSoft ASP provides full ASP support for the dedicated server. An Active Server Page (ASP) is an HTML page that includes one or more scripts that are processed before being sent to the requesting user. Offered with all packages.

Raw Logs

Raw access logs record data about who visits your site. The logs include volumes of information that you can manage and analyze. Offered with all packages.


Webalizer is a fast web server log file analysis program. It produces highly detailed, easily configurable usage reports in HTML format, for viewing with a standard web browser. Offered with all packages.

Data Backup

This service is an excellent way to insure that your data is safe. Data is fully backed up each week and incrementally backed up each night. When a backup is performed, your data is transferred securely from your server to our central tape storage system. If a restoration is required, your data will quickly be transferred from the tape system back to your dedicated server. Included with the Reseller and Web Host Servers and can be added to the Proprietor Server.
Transfer of data to and from our storage system does not count against your bandwidth subscription level.
The following directories are stored on our backup server:
/etc          /var          /bin          /sbin          /home          /usr
Software installed after a restoration on may require re-installation and/or re-configuration. Any archives or binaries that you wish to have backed up should be stored in one of the directories shown above.
NOTE: Restoration requests are billed at the additional rate of $25.00 per event.
To add this service to your account, please call (888) 243-3225.

Packet Filtering

Packet filtering restricts traffic to only the desired ports on your dedicated server. These filters or ACLs (Access Control Lists) can help augment the security of your server by limiting unwanted queries and probes. With our Packet Filtering service you can choose from three filtering levels. You may change between these levels at any time. Please allow one business day for activation or change of selected Packet Filter. Included with the Reseller and Web Host Servers and can be added to the Proprietor Server.
These filters cannot be customized.
Level 1 Filtering:
Allows the Internet to connect to your web server, secure server, send and receive email and move files via FTP. You may connect to your server via Telnet/SSH.
Level 2 Filtering:
Allows the Internet to connect to your web server, secure server and send and receive email. You may connect to your server via SSH. Files are moved via SCP.
Level 3 Filtering:
Allows the Internet to connect to your web server, secure server, move files via SCP. You may connect to your server with SSH. Email traffic is blocked with this filter.
NOTE: Security is achieved through multiple steps. It is important that you utilize effective passwords and keep server patches current, including OS patches.
To add this service to your account, please call (888) 243-3225.

Load Balancing

SimpleNet can provide active, networked load-balancing between multiple dedicated servers. This is an excellent way to divide high volume HTTP traffic and greatly increase responsiveness and redundancy for your web presence. Load Balancing can be added to the Reseller, Web Host or Proprietor Server Packages. To add this service to your account, please call (888) 243-3225.

Spam/Virus Filtering

SimpleNet's Spam/Virus Filtering protects you from spam, viruses and all other mailware. The filter exists as a layer outside of your server hardware and software, therefore ensuring the protection of your system. This service is provided for an unlimited number of domains and email accounts. To add this service to your account, please call (888) 243-3225.