SimpleNet's FAQ on all types of web hosting.

What is SimpleNet? More then a web hosting provider

SimpleNet is a premier provider of web site hosting, ecommerce, domain name management, and email services. Catering to both personal and business needs, the company offers comprehensive website hosting solutions that are scaleable to the needs of its clientele. In the hosting business since 1996, the employees that make up SimpleNet's work force are among those who created the first specialized Internet Presence Provider (IPP). Their relentless endeavors over the years have helped businesses maintain explosive growth due to high quality, easy-to-use, and inexpensive services. No other infrastructure is comparable to the fully redundant, reliable, and responsive platform of SimpleNet's.

When was SimpleNet created?

March of 1996

Where are SimpleNet's headquarters?

225 Broadway, Suite 1300
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 243-3212
Fax: (619) 243-3210

What are the core components of SimpleNet's business?

Domain Name and Email Management

A domain name identifies a location on the Internet. Those that aren't quite ready to build a web site or would like to redirect additional domain names to an existing web site typically purchase a domain with email type of product.

To view our domain name and email packages, please click here.

Shared Web Hosting

Shared web site hosting is the perfect place for beginners and for those who are experienced in web design, but do not need the added responsibilities of a dedicated server. Several web sites are stored on a powerful, professionally managed server, at a low monthly cost. It is a place where you can share photos, stories, products, services, and communicate with others around the world. In fact, a web site today is truly a necessity and a great way to present information.

To view our web site hosting packages, please click here.

Dedicated Web Hosting

Dedicated servers provide a simple solution to a wide range of Internet needs. They also allow you to maximize your return-on-investment through a lease, rather than own, arrangement. By leveraging the speed, space, technology and security of SimpleNet's Data Center, you put yourself in a position to succeed when you are in need of: large amounts of disk space or email storage, high bandwidth content or streaming media provision, using or providing custom software and databases, hosting of multiple sites in one location, or located overseas and need a low-cost and high speed web presence.

To view our dedicated hosting packages, please click here.

Co-location Web Hosting

Co-location is the perfect blend of managing expertise. Your expertise is your product and your customers. Our expertise is to make sure that your product is accessible. Mission-critical Internet ventures, whether they consist of one server to hundreds, must be housed within a state-of-the-art facility. With SimpleNet, you get one of the most unique and redundant facilities on the planet.

To view our co-location services, please click here.

Start your domain name search:

Already have a domain name? Move it to SimpleNet